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  2. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
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  3. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
  1. Timepieces
  2. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
  1. Timepieces
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  3. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
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  2. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
  1. New Collection
  2. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
  1. Timepieces
  2. Pocket Watches
  3. Albert Chains
  4. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black
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  3. Double Albert Pocket Watch Chain Black

A contemporary take on the classic Double Albert chain: machined for perfect weighting to ensure vertical hanging, with knurled edge details and a richly textured black insert.  The ideal complement to your pocket watch, and a striking point of detail on waistcoat or jacket lapel. 

Chain Length: 220mm x2

25% OFF Double Albert Chain Offer

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Tel: +44(0)1349 884111

Email: mailorder@dalvey.com

Dalvey, Alness, Highland, Scotland, IV17 0XT